Judge Memorial | Diverse & Inclusive College Preparatory School

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Tomas Riodal


• B.A. in English Education, University of Utah
• HSK 4 Mandarin Chinese

This year marks Tòmas Riodal’s first foray into professional teaching after completing his student teaching at Cottonwood High School. Passionate about a wide range of disciplines ranging from argumentation to chemistry to foreign language acquisition, Mr. Riodal strives to set an example to live up to the “Cura Personalis” motto by seeking growth intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually, and encourages his students to adopt a growth mindset in all endeavors.

Mr. Riodal was born and raised in Heber, Utah, where the teachers in his own family as well as those at his school inspired him to pursue knowledge with particular fervor. Earning the position of valedictorian from Wasatch High, Mr. Riodal was emboldened to pursue a lofty career as a surgeon while at the University of Utah, though switched to focus on a teaching major as it became increasingly clear that he was too much of a klutz to be trusted operating on anyone. Mr. Riodal plans to pursue further education in Scots Gaelic, Gaelic Education, and Educational Philosophy in due time.

Mr. Riodal’s chief interests are the study of literature, language, and history, as well as the pursuit of glory in Powerlifting and Strongman competitions. His favorite types of music are death metal, power metal, 80’s pop, and folk, and his favorite movie is Mamma Mia. He speaks English, Mandarin Chinese, and Scots Gaelic, and plans to learn Welsh, Irish, Norwegian, and possibly more thereafter.